The Putnam / Westchester Metal Detectorists & Archaeological Society is a non-profit,
501(C)(3) organization, routinely holding club meetings, seminars, and hunts for relics,
treasure, coins, gold, silver, and lost articles
If you have lost a precious metal item and need help finding it, please contact the club president.
Don Mituzas: don824@comcast.net
Club Meetings
Information about Club Meetings can be accessed from the "Meetings" navigation button or ...
Click here to view the Club Meeting page
To participate in club sponsored search outings, membership dues must be paid in full, prior to the date of any event.
Membership dues cannot be paid for on the day of the event. This requirement is tied to making certain the
club's insurance extends to all participating attendees. Please send your annual membership payment to Larry
Cohen. For additional details and access to the membership form, please click on the "Membership" link on the
navigation bar (on the left side of the screen).
On a sunny, Fall morning, club members gathered for a group photo before embarking into farm fields
in search of colonial era treasures. (Photo courtesy of Kathleen Brouillette - not shown).
Click on the image below to open a larger version on a new broswer page.
Items Returned & Community Service
The Items Returned & Community Service page can be accessed from the "Items Returned & Community Service"
navigation button (or click the link below).
Click here to view Items Returned & Community Service page
The 2023 holiday party was a great success!
Congratulations to all the raffle winners.
Many thanks to our sponsors and those who contributed.
Some of the items found at our past club hunts shown below.
1. Before metal detecting public sites, always check laws, ordinances, or regulations that may govern your search.
2. Never trespass. Always get permission when metal detecting private property.
3. Never leave open holes. Leave the search area exactly as it was before your metal detecting.
4. Report the discovery of any items of significant historical value to the local historian or museum.
5. If you discover live ammo or a lethal object, don’t touch it. Mark the site and notify the police at once.
6. Be polite and informative to those who inquire about your hobby. You are the ambassador of a pastime we want
to protect and we will be judged by how you act and respond.